High horse - a mood or attitude of stubborn arrogance or contempt.
Example - "Get off your high horse and apologize!"
Image - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh91ff_DLsWlnIg7fyXwhWLCXP8AaK0C2OEunqIUCQhxEwldtPQcSqEgFQ40A9Sx8THuMXP1WMaDIyvARKqjvP5lvyRnZ9JQV3cIlqH46daTAFJwAvYvYBQXoD9RwXU9d-t13cE3-9Q4pQ/s1600/Rottenecards_96121995_6yyd4x6274.png
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Excuse/pardon my French
Excuse my French - said when you are pretending to be sorry for using a word that may be considered offensive; forgive my strong language.
Example -"You've got to be f***ing kidding me! Pardon my French, but that's insane"
Example -"You've got to be f***ing kidding me! Pardon my French, but that's insane"
Image - https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/30/PEGI_bad_language.png
To mouth off
To mouth off - to talk in an unpleasantly loud and boastful or opinionated manner.
Example - "He was mouthing off about society in general"
Example - "He was mouthing off about society in general"
Image - http://clearpointagency.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/bigstock-businessman-yelling-through-a-48335648.jpg
A sore loser
A sore loser - someone who becomes upset or angry when they lose a game or competition.
Image - https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/48/91/7c/48917c3e866ffd1f881985612dccbab0.jpg
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Until you are blue in the face
Until you are blue in the face - if you say something until you are blue in the face, you keep saying the same thing again and again and again but no one listens to you.
Example - "I can tell him to tidy his room until I am blue in the face, but it's always a mess."
Example - "I can tell him to tidy his room until I am blue in the face, but it's always a mess."
Image - http://bunakovateacher.ru/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/672170513_DigVs-M-1.jpg
Brolly - an umbrella.
Example - "I've lost another brolly"
Example - "I've lost another brolly"
Image - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg4ZufJneCZOsSrUmPKmmZ3RJdorEOwk9kl3sRUSqF0LqfylGG8JQYFQ7ZTnmZN8Na31RiuXDrEvuDEpRT-0eWSfiOSkAkVvPN6UmnyEiSYN-Rn3LT9YAi6I92FlvNmlw_PCZQL6NG_uWoi/s400/chapeu+de+chuva.png
Putative - generally considered or reputed to be.
Example - "The putative leader of the terrorist cell was arrested yesterday"
Example - "The putative leader of the terrorist cell was arrested yesterday"
Image - https://i.ytimg.com/vi/p_TZFqCDNas/maxresdefault.jpg
To besiege
To besiege - to surround and harass.
Example - "She spent the whole day besieged by newsman"
Example - "She spent the whole day besieged by newsman"
Image - http://i2.wp.com/img.chinasmack.com/www/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/hong-kong-residents-protest-harass-mainland-tourists-05.jpg
Ripple effect
Ripple effect - the continuing and spreading result of an event or action.
Example - "The bank crash has had a ripple effect on the whole community"
Example - "The bank crash has had a ripple effect on the whole community"
Image - http://api.ning.com/files/dxpgMxwg-xDkYohiQZE*ROErA7n--ks49gj-aTpTvY0IdhUvJoldPLhiF2G7pcl6vDRmSaHUnpZ6agyKkx2VXCOWpzuF2dzI/cliparttherippleeffect1024x488.png
Does what it says on the tin
Does what it says on the tin - it does exactly what is intended to do.
Example - "The hotel does exactly what it says on the tin and offers customers a relaxing break"
Example - "The hotel does exactly what it says on the tin and offers customers a relaxing break"
Image - http://www.quotehd.com/imagequotes/authors34/tmb/richard-bailey-quote-if-people-want-to-guarantee-their-survival-then-t.jpg
Cut from the same cloth
Cut from the same cloth - of the same nature; similar.
Example - "Don't assume all women are cut from the same cloth"
Example - "Don't assume all women are cut from the same cloth"
Image - http://oels.byu.edu/student/idioms/idioms/images/cut_from_same_cloth.gif
Lay of the land
Lay of the land - nature, arrangement.
Example - "As soon as I get the lay of the land in my new job, things will get better"
Example - "As soon as I get the lay of the land in my new job, things will get better"
Image - http://www.quotehd.com/imagequotes/authors41/tmb/peter-likins-quote-our-job-is-to-help-him-get-the-lay-of-the-land-as-s.jpg
To do a number on someone
To do a number on someone - to damage or harm someone.
Example - "Tom did a real number on Mary when he went out with her friend"
Example - "Tom did a real number on Mary when he went out with her friend"
Image - http://izquotes.com/quotes-pictures/quote-they-looked-at-me-like-i-was-some-kind-of-threat-jagger-really-tried-to-put-me-down-but-there-was-anita-pallenberg-257874.jpg
To speak to
To speak to - to indicate, to signal something.
Example - "This event speaks to the need for good communication"
"Your present state of employment speaks to your need for a better education"
Example - "This event speaks to the need for good communication"
"Your present state of employment speaks to your need for a better education"
Image - https://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/business-icons-3-2/256/Decision_Making-512.png
Beyond the pale
Beyond the pale - outside the bounds of acceptable behaviour.
Example - "The language my father used was beyond the pale"
Example - "The language my father used was beyond the pale"
Image - http://www.quotehd.com/imagequotes/authors44/tmb/fred-thomas-quote-this-racial-thing-is-so-sick-its-just-beyond-the.jpg
Since time immemorial
Since time immemorial - since a very long time ago.
Example - "My hometown has had a big parade on the Fourth of July since time immemorial"
Example - "My hometown has had a big parade on the Fourth of July since time immemorial"
Image - http://www.coolnsmart.com/images/cns/coolnsmart-11724.jpg
Fateful - producing a serious and usually a bad result; having far-reaching and often disastrous consequences or implications.
Example - "Then, just over a year ago, he was faced with a fateful choice"
Example - "Then, just over a year ago, he was faced with a fateful choice"
Image - http://img.picturequotes.com/2/461/460329/the-right-way-to-wholeness-is-made-up-of-fateful-detours-and-wrong-turnings-quote-1.jpg
Peccadillo - a relatively minor fault or sin.
Example - "He dismissed what had happened as a mere peccadillo"
Example - "He dismissed what had happened as a mere peccadillo"
Image - http://wordinfo.info/words/images/peccadillo.jpg
To pick someone's brain(s)
To pick someone's brain(s) - to obtain information by questioning someone who is better informed about a subject than oneself.
Example - "Mind if I pick your brain for a minute?"
Example - "Mind if I pick your brain for a minute?"
Image - http://business2blogger.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Can-I-Pick-Your-Brain1.jpg
Monday, April 25, 2016
Paroxysm - a sudden strong feeling or expression of emotion that cannot be controlled.
Example - "He went into paroxysms of laughter"
Example - "He went into paroxysms of laughter"
Image - https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/5c/b4/56/5cb456becaf0a149976a10577185585f.jpg
For dear life
For dear life - desperately and urgently; with as much effort as possible.
Example - "I ran for dear life when I saw the tiger"
Example - "I ran for dear life when I saw the tiger"
Image - https://i.ytimg.com/vi/4N1gfKirKAg/hqdefault.jpg
Saturday, April 23, 2016
To take a different tack
To take a different tack - to try a different approach.
Example - "Instead of always asking him what he wants, why don't you take a different tack and tell him what you want?"
Example - "Instead of always asking him what he wants, why don't you take a different tack and tell him what you want?"
Image - http://www.quotehd.com/imagequotes/authors25/gail-reese-quote-we-have-taken-a-different-tack.jpg
To gloat
To gloat - to dwell on one's own success or another's misfortune with smugness or malignant pleasure.
Example - "His enemies gloated over his death"
Example - "His enemies gloated over his death"
Image - http://quotes.lifehack.org/media/quotes/quote-Al-Yankovic-i-mean-i-hate-to-gloat-but-141682_1.png
See - Schadenfreude
To dish
To dish - to gossip or share intimate information.
Example - "Groups gather to dish about romances"
Example - "Groups gather to dish about romances"
Image - https://animalliberationpressoffice.org/NAALPO/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/gossip.jpg
Chagrined /shə-grĭn′/ - a keen feeling of mental uneasy, as of annoyance and embarrassment, caused by failure, disappointment, or a disconcerting event.
Example - "He was chagrined at the poor sales of his book"
Example - "He was chagrined at the poor sales of his book"
Image - http://www.quotehd.com/imagequotes/authors28/tmb/chris-traulsen-quote-i-am-a-little-chagrined-that-other-fund.jpg
Amped up
Amped up - excited or energized - filled with intense energy and excitement.
Example - "We were so amped up for the game that we forgot to eat"
Example - "We were so amped up for the game that we forgot to eat"
Image - http://www.azquotes.com/picture-quotes/quote-when-people-are-amped-up-they-listen-to-more-upbeat-loud-songs-a-frank-sinatra-album-mark-hoppus-147-9-0952.jpg
To oust
To oust - to drive out or expel someone from a position or place.
Example - "The reformists were ousted from power"
Example - "The reformists were ousted from power"
Image - http://www.quotehd.com/imagequotes/authors26/miriam-defensor-santiago-quote-i-believe-they-dont-want-to-put-a-stop.jpg
To reel
To reel - to feel very confused and shocked and unable to act.
Example - "We are reeling in amazement from the news that we had won all that the money.
Example - "We are reeling in amazement from the news that we had won all that the money.
Image - http://www.revelationtv.com/images/uploads/thumbnails/news/confused-by-credit.jpg
Purview - an area within which someone or something has authority, influence or knowledge.
Example - "That question is outside my purview"
Example - "That question is outside my purview"
Image - http://i.quoteaddicts.com/media/q1/342497.png
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Incontrovertible - impossible to doubt because of being obviously true.
Example - "Some people believe Neil Armstrong's landing on the moon is an incontrovertible fact while conspiracists say otherwise"
Example - "Some people believe Neil Armstrong's landing on the moon is an incontrovertible fact while conspiracists say otherwise"
Image - http://wordinfo.info/words/images/incontrovertible-1.jpg
Nagging - discomforting.
Example - "I have a nagging suspicion that one of the wheels has a puncture"
Example - "I have a nagging suspicion that one of the wheels has a puncture"
Image - https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/cd/8a/98/cd8a98e8c15ca10b4eddc9797ac25673.jpg
Tidal wave
Tidal wave - any widespread or powerful movement, opinion, tendency.
Example - "A tidal wave of public indignation"
Image - https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRklPKmlnGHlgyFkqCX8eoBhHv-kh7Em_Vb2Z6U2_MZfc-miOpB
To spew
To spew - to expel large quantities of something rapidly and forcibly.
Example - "Buses were spewing out black clouds of exhaust"
Example - "Buses were spewing out black clouds of exhaust"
Image - http://img.picturequotes.com/2/139/138061/authority-is-permission-to-spew-platitudes-to-people-below-you-quote-1.jpg
Guarded - careful not too give too much information; cautious and having possible reservations.
Example - "We view these changes with guarded optimism"
Example - "We view these changes with guarded optimism"
Image - http://www.quotehd.com/imagequotes/authors7/patricia-heaton-patricia-heaton-when-it-comes-to-accepting-emotional.jpg
Hold your peace
Hold your peace - to avoid an argument by remaining silent.
Example - "Speak now or forever hold your peace"
Example - "Speak now or forever hold your peace"
Image - http://images.firstcovers.com/covers/userquotes/s/speak_now,_or-49609.jpg
To say your piece
To say your piece - to say what you are obviously wanting to say, to say what's on your mind.
Example - "Just say your piece and then go"
Example - "Just say your piece and then go"
Image - https://gms101.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/say-your-piece.jpg
In the throes
In the throes - in the midst of a difficult struggle.
Example - "The country was in the throes of economic collapse"
Example - "The country was in the throes of economic collapse"
Image - http://img.picturequotes.com/2/412/411014/we-are-in-the-throes-of-a-transition-where-every-publication-has-to-think-of-their-digital-strategy-quote-1.jpg
Hey presto
Hey presto - a phrase announcing the successful completion of a trick, or to suggest that something has been done so easily that it seems to be magic.
Example - "Press the start button and, hey presto, a copy comes out the other end"
Example - "Press the start button and, hey presto, a copy comes out the other end"
Image - http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/518vZEK1pTL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg
To gush over
To gush over - to speak or write about someone or something with wild enthusiasm.
Example - "They returned from the store and gushed over the great shoes they had bought"
Example - "They returned from the store and gushed over the great shoes they had bought"
Image - https://cdn-webimages.wimages.net/050743f0c74616347990f66fae06c300226261-wm.jpg
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Slippery slope
Slippery slope - a course of action likely to lead to something bad or disastrous; the potential beginning of a trend; if we allow something relatively harmless today, we may start a trend that results in something currently unthinkable becoming accepted.
Example - "He's on the slippery slope towards a life of crime"
Example - "He's on the slippery slope towards a life of crime"
Image - https://blogs.thegospelcoalition.org/justintaylor/files/2013/04/Slippery-Slope.png
Stripped-down - something that has been reduced to its simplest form.
Example - "I think the stripped-down version of your proposal has more chance of being accepted"
Example - "I think the stripped-down version of your proposal has more chance of being accepted"
Image - http://marjijsherman.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/MakeItSimple-300x300.jpg
Scab - a worker who does not join a strike or who takes the place of another worker who is on strike; a worker who accepts employment or replaces a union worker during a strike.
Image - http://www.theglobeandmail.com/migration_catalog/article3995178.ece/BINARY/w620/UnknownDon'tBeAScab
Monday, April 18, 2016
To hold up one's end of the bargain
To hold up one's end of the bargain - to do one's agreed part in some arrangement.
Example - "Jackie didn't hold up her end of the bargain so we're excluding her from the deal"
Example - "Jackie didn't hold up her end of the bargain so we're excluding her from the deal"
Image - http://www.boardofwisdom.com/cachetogo/images/quotes/599960.png
Unwavering - marked by firm determination or resolution.
Example - "He's shown us unwavering loyalty"
Example - "He's shown us unwavering loyalty"
Image - http://www.relatably.com/q/img/unwavering-quotes/quote-Beau-Mirchoff-a-healthy-relationship-is-built-on-unwavering-226952.png
On the horn
On the horn - on the telephone.
Example - "Let me get on the horn with him and ask"
Example - "Let me get on the horn with him and ask"
Image - http://rlv.zcache.com/get_on_the_horn_postcard-r13dce45754f54aabaa4d1245e41e2a63_vgbaq_8byvr_324.jpg
To be infirm of
To be infirm of - not physically or mentally strong.
Example - "She was infirm of body but still keen on mind"
Example - "She was infirm of body but still keen on mind"
Image - http://images.digopaul.com/wp-content/uploads/related_images/2015/09/08/infirm_3.jpg
To jones
To jones - to have a fixation on; to be addicted to.
Example - "Paul was jonesing for some coke again"
Example - "Paul was jonesing for some coke again"
Image - https://memecrunch.com/meme/3IU3H/jonesing-for-coffee/image.png?w=400&c=1
Atwitter - to be in a statement of nervous excitement.
Example - "The crowd was atwitter with expectation"
Example - "The crowd was atwitter with expectation"
Image - http://www.chicagonow.com/cheaper-than-therapy/files/2012/03/nervous.jpg
To have the upper-hand
To have the upper-hand - to have more power than anyone else and so have control.
Example - "By half time, the Italian team seemed to have the upper hand"
Example - "By half time, the Italian team seemed to have the upper hand"
Image - http://cdn.socialeyezer.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Why-Social-Media-Gives-Your-Business-the-Upper-Hand.jpg
To pull for someone or something
To pull for someone or something - to support and cheer for someone, a group or something.
Example - "Good luck in the game tomorrow. We are all pulling for you"
Example - "Good luck in the game tomorrow. We are all pulling for you"
Image - https://www.greenbiz.com/sites/default/files/styles/gbz_article_primary_breakpoints_kalapicture_screen-md_1x/public/images/articles/featured/10212010rooting.jpg?itok=HLXcgkT9
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