Tuesday, September 30, 2014

To purge

To purge - to rid someone of an unwanted feeling, memory or condition; physically remove something completely.

Image - http://www.eco-bravo.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/all-you-need-us-less-quote.png

Monday, September 29, 2014


Dispensary - a room where medicines are prepared and provided.

Image - http://www.grandtheftwiki.com/images/thumb/Dispensary-GTAVC-VicePoint-exterior.jpg/350px-Dispensary-GTAVC-VicePoint-exterior.jpg

To seize on

To seize on - to use, accept or take advantage of something quickly and enthusiastically.

Example - "The story was seized on by the tabloid press, who printed it under huge headlines."

Image - http://us.cdn2.123rf.com/168nwm/icetray/icetray1201/icetray120120226/11924408-word-on-bronze-ornament.jpg


Skint - having little or no money available.

Image - http://www.bitterwallet.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Skint.jpg

Absenteeism - a habitual pattern of absence from a duty or obligation.

Image - http://www.seachangeperu.com/media/trabajo/pasos/individual/extralaboral/articles/worklifebalance2.gif

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Secondhand embarrassment

Secondhand embarrassment - the personal embarrassment that one feels on account of and for another who is making a fool of him/herself.

Example - "I had so much secondhand embarrassment for her today."

Image - http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ma3xbslpRG1qetk25o4_250.gif

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Lopsided -  not equal; asymmetrical.

Example - "He has a lopsided smile."

Image - http://i.imgur.com/hFYTg4X.jpg


Comeuppance - a punishment or fate that someone deserves.

Example - "He's got his comeuppance in the end."

Example - http://meetville.com/images/quotes/Quotation-Shawntelle-Madison-humor-dogs-Meetville-Quotes-189696.jpg

On tenterhooks

On tenterhooks - in a state of uncomfortable suspense.

Example - "The supporters were all waiting on tenterhooks."

Image - http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/05/01/article-1382542-02962BCE0000044D-824_634x374.jpg

Monday, September 15, 2014


Weighting - allowance or adjustment made in order to take account of special circumstances or compensate for a distorting factor.

Example - "They are offering an annual salary of £32000 + £5000 London weighting"

Image - http://ecoopportunity.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/money-symbol.jpg

Pay rise vs. Increment

Pay rise - result of promotion or hard work.


Increment - automatic and based on the length of time with the company.

Image - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg4qsPzSLhf0VdoY4tf1jVLxbLTZTj1DUEX8xpSxQIPG7ELJ1DiO7caDAuAke8X8d-J4ufSngoHWvxf7kN-BwkgiQ8j4QevVjxXVJcj84paWp9OHSm2-fyw04_BCqUqAiO4kH1eVtnqqq8/s1600/Increment.jpg


Jarring - to have a harshly unpleasant or perturbing effect on one's nerves.

Example - "The final chord of that song is too jarring for me"

Image - http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/480x270/p01l85h0.jpg


Commensurate - intended to be suitable for the quality, status, or value of someone or something.

Example - "The pay increase will commensurate with job performance."

Image - http://www.artizans.com/images/previews/WIL534.pvw.jpg


Commendable - deserving praise or admiration.

Example - "Your commitment to the cause is highly commendable."

Image - http://www.omsa.org/photopost/data/851/medium/Department_of_Justice_-_Federal_Bureau_of_Prisons_-_Commendable_Service_Medal.JPG


Self-contained - having its own kitchen and bathroom, and typically its own private entrance.

Example - "These are all self-contained flats."

Image - http://www.ozstaysapartment.com.au/images/2-bedroom-superior-apartment.gifhttp://www.ozstaysapartment.com.au/images/2-bedroom-superior-apartment.gif


Flighty - changing your opinion or behaviour often, and not serious or reliable.

Image- http://womanredefined.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/flighty.jpg

To be caught short

To be caught short - to suddenly and unexpectedly need to go to the toilet, especially when it is not convenient for you to do so.

Image - http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=12054446

Friday, September 12, 2014

To belch

To belch - to burp.

Image - http://theetiquettespot.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Belch-Burp-Etiquette1-300x210.jpg

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Cliquish - about a person who has tendency to set a group.

Image - http://blogs.mydevstaging.com/blogs/high-chair-times/files/2012/03/meanmoms-337x250.jpg

Clique - a group of people who interact with each other more regularly and intensely than others in the same setting.


Peckish - slightly hungry.

Image - https://psychologies.co.uk/sites/default/files/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/hunger.jpg

To leave someone in a lurch

To leave someone in a lurch - to abandon someone in a difficult position without help.

Image - http://www.quotehd.com/imagequotes/authors20/tmb/dana-diprima-quote-we-didnt-want-to-look-opportunistic-or-leave-them.jpg

To dawdle

To dawdle - to go somewhere, or to do something, so slowly that people become annoyed with you.

Image - http://www.copyediting.com/sites/default/files/04_3%20Error%20DanglingModifiers%20teaser.jpg?1325708935
